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Consider Including This Syllabus Statement.

  1. Accommodations for Pregnant and Parenting Students:

"If you are a pregnant, parenting student, or primarily responsible for providing care for a loved one or family member, and you are in need of any accommodations, please let the instructor know at your earliest convenience. You may also reach out to and CEW+ for resources and community support."

Please note: Confidentiality of pregnant and parenting status must be maintained. It is never appropriate to inform a class or a student that another peer is a parent or pregnant, except upon the student’s request or permission. Any and all information given from a pregnant or parenting student to a faculty member is solely used for accommodation or academic purposes. 

Another tip: A detailed and concise course description that is readily available before registration is helpful for parenting students. This ensures that the student is able to commit to their academics while being mindful of their time constraints due to daycare, etc.